This summer I had the opportunity to tag along with my niece to Walt Disney World and Universal Studios. My step counter was ever so happy with me! I've never seen 25,000 steps in one day since our trip! Slowly, each day, as we grew more and more tired, I noticed my eyes quit focusing well. This had happened before, on a milder scale, especially as I did my graduate work while working full time last year. I would have to read my assignments first thing on the weekend, because by the afternoon, I couldn't see well enough to read it easily. By day 3 in Florida, I couldn't even read the menu at a restaurant. I remember the day we went outlet shopping and she had to read EVERY single price for me. I thought, well, it happened, on June 23, my vision officially became old. I was 43 after all. I'd heard about this happening in your forties. I had "readers" that my eye doctor had prescribed the previous year to help get me through graduate school. They were of no use at this point, but I wore them the rest of the trip. Fast forward a week or so...I'm home and slept tons. I was caught up on my rest and BINGO, I could see just fine. Huh.
Once something starts, it seems to continue with me. The rest of my summer break did the same. If I got too tired, my eyes would blur. Once I rested, all was right in the world again. I was referred to an ophthalmologist, but of course, I was well rested when I went to see him and he saw nothing to explain the eye fatigue which always came with the pesky eye drooping. I'm adding this to my list to ask the movement disorder specialist neurologist. I'm oddly excited to get an opinion from someone who sees the quirky all day, every day.
So, now I have a tell tell sign of doing too much...blurry vision. I'm learning what is too much, but sometimes a girl just wants to have fun and extend herself a bit! Of course, if I plan correctly, and do lots of rest afterwards which usually involves a Netflix marathon, all is well again.
Life is full of twists and turns, it's your focus that matters.